PolyGuard Liners PVC - 15 ft. x 35 ft. 20 Mil Pond Liner WFFRL_SE716

$200.70  $71.80

Product details:

Premium Liner For Koi Ponds, Water Gardens and Waterfalls - Pond Liner is the foundation for any Koi pond, water garden or waterfall. When building your water feature PVC liner is a cost efficient choice and has a great range of flexibility when needed. If left out in the sun often the liner will begin to deteroriate. Make sure you extend the life time of your pond liner by covering the liner above water level.PolyGuard 20 mil PVC Pond liner - For best results protect PVC liner from direct UV Exposure - Adapts readily to a wide variety of fish pond applications - Use in Koi ponds, water gardens and pondless waterfalls - Attaches easily to waterfalls, weirs and skimmers - Flexible and pliable in temperatures -15 to +130For Koi ponds and pondless waterfalls - Frequently Asked Questions - What size liner do I need? The formula for sizing a pond liner is - POND LENGTH + (2 TIMES DEPTH) + 2' = LINER LENGTHPOND WIDTH + (2 TIMES DEPTH) + 2'= LINER WIDTHExample: A 12' long, 7' wide and 3' deep pond is...12' + (2 * 3) +2' = 20' Long7' + (2 * 3) + 2' = 15' Wide - How many gallons is my pond? The formula for determining the number of gallons is:FOR SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR PONDSLength * Width * Depth * 7.5 = Gallons - FOR ROUND PONDSRADIUS * RADIUS * 3.14 * 7.485 = Gallons - Example: 12 * 12 * 3.14 * 7.485 = 3,384 Gallons - Upgrade by adding Underlayment - The biggest contributors to pond liners failing are poor, unstable soil conditions and rips and tears from rocks and boulders. Shifting soil creates pockets and voids under your pond liner, forcing it to stretch under the weight of the water. Rocks and boulders placed on and around your water feature create aesthetically pleasing visual focal points. They can also penetrate, tear and harm yrou liner. - Underlayment adds an extra layer of protection between pond liner and rocky or unstable soils. It stabilizes soil to prevent air voids from forming between the liner and earth; reduces wear and abrasion from rocks and roots and extends the life of pond liner. - Liner Seam & R